Payment of D e a r n e s s Allowance G o v e r n m e n t e m p l o y e e s
continuing to draw their Pay as per 6" Pay Commission-revised
rate effective from 0 1 . 0 7 . 2 0 2 4 .
ORDERS 2024-2025:
- &nbps; Re-fixation of seniority of Junior Assistants of Excise and State Taxes Departments in the final seniority list of Ministerial staff as it stood on 01.07.2024 issued vide Government Order No. 327-FD of 2024 dated: 16-10-2024.(27.03.2025)
- &nbps; Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government Employees continuing to draw their Pay as per the 6th Pay Commission-Revised Rate Effective from 01.07.2024 (13.03.2025)
- Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government Pensioners/ Family Pensioners Employees continuing to draw their Pension/Family Pension as per the 6th Pay Commission-Revised Rate Effective from 01.07.2024 (13.03.2025)
- Guidelines on Constituency Development Fund (CDF) Scheme (10.03.2025)
- Appointment of Sub- Inspector (Divisional Cadre Jammu)
in J&K Excise & State Taxes (Subordinate) Service,
Finance Department. (08.03.2025)
Release of Senior Scale (Non-functional) to the Members of
Jammu and Kashmir Excise and State Tares (Gazetted) (10.02.2025)
- Authorization of further funds under
Revenue Budget out of BE 2024-25. (29.01.2025)
- Payment of Dearness Allowance to Pensioners/ Family
Pensioners on revised rate effective from 01.07.2024. (27.01.2025)
- Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government employees
on revised rates effective from 01.07.2024 (27.01.2025)
Cancellation of appointment in respect of Mr. Vijay Kumar, Sub Inspector, J&K Excise and State Taxes (Subordinate) Services, Finance Department. (13.12.2024)
Tentative Seniority list of Inspectors of UT Cadre of J&K Excise and State Taxes Department (Subordinate) Services as on 01.10.2024.(09.12.2024)
Appointment of Sub- Inspector (Divisional Cadre Jammu) in J8K Excise & State Taxes (Subordinate) Service, Finance Department.(28.11.2024)
Appointment of Divisional/District Level Welfare Officer under Jammu & Kashmir Rehabilitation Assistance Scheme, 2022. (14.11.2024)
Appointment of Divisional/District Level Welfare Officer under Jammu & Kashmir Rehabilitation Assistance Scheme, 2022. (24.10.2024)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners continuing to draw their Pension/Family Pension as per 6th Pay Commission-revised rate effective from 01.01.2024. (16.10.2024)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government employees continuing to draw their Pay as per 6th Pay Commission-revised rate effective from 01.01.2024. (16.10.2024)
Final Seniority list of Ministeral Staff of UT/Divisional Cadre (Jammu/ Kashmir) of J&K Excise and State Taxes (Subordinate) Service as stood on 01-07-2024. (16.10.2024)
Final Seniority list of Sub-Inspectors of Divisional Cadre (Jammu/ Kashmir) belonging to J&K Excise and State Taxes (Subordinate) Service as ti stood on 01-07-2024. (13.10.2024)
Final Seniority list of Sub-Inspectors of Divisional Cadre (Jammu/ Kashmir) belonging to J&K Excise and State Taxes (Subordinate) Service as ti stood on 01-07-2024. (13.10.2024)
Selection list of candidates for the post of "Junior Assistant", (Finance Department) Division Cadre, Kashmir and Advertisement/Item No. 156/04 of 2017 dated 01.12.2017, under Hon'ble Prime Minister's
Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants (09.10.2024)
Grant of notional benefits to Multitasking Staff employees of the Finance Department (09.10.2024)
Grant of notional benefits to the Sub-Inspectors of Excise and State Taxes Department (09.10.2024)
Appointment of Sub-Inspectors (Divisional Cadre Jammu/Kashmir) in J&K Excise & State Taxes (Subordinate) Services, Finance Department (04.10.2024)
Constitution of Search Committee (17.09.2024)
Appointment of Sub-Inspectors (UT/Divisional Cadre Jammu/Kashmir) in J&K Excise & State Taxes (Subordinate) Services, Finance Department (12.09.2024)
Deputation of Officers to New Delhi(16.08.2024)
Authorization of funds under Capex Budget out of BE 2024-25 (Regular Budget) (16.08.2024)
Authorization of funds under Revenue Budget out of BE 2024-25 (Regular Budget) (16.08.2024)
Transfer & Postings. (09.08.2024)
Appointment of Inspectors in the J&K Excise and State Taxes (Subordinate) Service, Finance Department. (22.07.2024)
- Tentative Seniority list of Sub-Inspectors of Divisional Cadres (Jammu / Kashmir) belonging to J&K Excise and State Taxes Department (Subordinate) Services as on 01.07.2024
Appointment of Inspectors in the J&K Excise and State Taxes (Subordinate) Service, Finance Department. (04.07.2024)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners continuing to draw their Pension/Family Pension as per 6th Pay
Commission-revised rate effective from 01.07.2023.
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government employees continuing to draw their Pay as per 6th Pay Commission-revised rate effective from 01.07.2023.
Payment of Salaries on regular basis to the staff under Directorate of Family Welfare, MCH & Immunization (24.06.2024)
Payment of Salary of continued staff and Honorarium of AWWs/AWHs of Integrated Child Development Services (1CDS) in advance from budget provisions under CSS on reimbursement basis. (24.06.2024)
- Revision of Rate of Interest on General Provident Fund.(21.05.2024)
Appointment of Multitasking Staff (Orderlies) in the Finance Department (20.06.2024)
Release of further funds under Capex Budget out of Interim Budget (Vote on Account) 2024-25 (13.06.2024)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Pensioners/ Family Pensioners on revised rate effective from (01.01.2024)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Pensioners/ Family Pensioners on revised rate effective from (01.01.2024)
Final Seniority list of Drivers of UT/ Divisional Cadre (Jammu/ Kashmir / of J&K Excise and State Taxes Department (Subordinate ) Service as on 01.01.2024.(30.04.2024)
Appointment to the Post of Chemist in the J&K Excise & State Taxes(Subordinate) Services, Finance Department. (22.04.2024)
Authorization of Capex Budget out of approved BE 2024-25. (30.03.2024)
Authorization of Revenue Budget out of approved BE 2024-25 (30.03.2024)
Creation of supernumerary post of Excise and Taxation Office (ETO) for effecting retrospective regularization in favour of Shri. Yogeshwar Raj Sharma,
ETO (Retd). (07.03.2024)
Fixation of seniority/creation of supernumerary post of Excise and Taxation Office (ETO) for effecting retrospective regularization in favour of
Shri. Yogeshwar Raj Sharma, ETO (Retd.) (07.03.2024)
Appointment of Multi-tasking Staff (Orderlies) in the Finance Department (06.03.2024)
SO 119 : Entitlements of family of a missing Government Servant/Pensioner/Family Pensioner (20.2.2024)
Appointment of Multi-tasking Staff (Orderlies) in the Finance Department (25.01.2024)
Appointment of Multi-tasking Staff (Orderlies) in the Finance Department (25.01.2024)
Assignment of Additional Charge (23.01.2024)
Grant of Amnesty for Settlement of Tax Arrears pertaining to Pre-GST regime
Expenditure Management - Economy, Austerity measures and Rationalization of Expenditure
Final Selection List cum Allocation of cadres & Departments fir remaining Class-IV posts under the provision of the J&K Appointment to Class-IV
(Special Recruitment) Rules, 2020, advertised vide Notification No. 01 of 2020 dated 26.06.2020 - Release of Withheld cases thereof
Transfers & Postings (15.12.2023)
Implementation of Second National Judicial Pay Commision recommendations regarding Retirement benefits, revision of pensions/family pension in respect of Judicial officers,
who served in the Jammu & Kashmir Judicial Services(09.12.2023)
Review of guidelines pertaining to utilization of Local Fund in Government Degree Colleges of Higher Education Department - Constitution of Committee thereof. (06.12.2023)
Review of guidelines pertaining to utilization of Hospital Development Fund/Student Welfare Fund and Fee Structure in Government Medical Colleges (GMCs) of Health & Medical Education Department -
Constitution of Committee thereof.(06.12.2023)
Implementation of Second National Judicial Pay Commission recommendations regarding Retirement benefits, revision of pension / family pension in respect of Judicial Officers, who served in the Jammu & Kashmir Judicial Services. (04.12.2023)
Appointment of Multi-tasking Staff (Orderlies) in the Finance Department (04.12.2023)
Transfers/Postings (31.07.2023)
Transfers/Postings (31.07.2023)
Regularization/Promotion of I/c State Taxes Officers/Excise and Taxation Officers
& Inspectors of J&K Excise & State Taxes (Gazetted) Services as State Taxes Officers/Excise Taxation Officers (28.07.2023)
Appointment of Multi-tasking Staff (Orderlies) in the Finance Department (27.07.2023)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners continuing to draw their Pension/ Family Pension as
per 6th pay commission-revised rate effective from 01.01.2023.(07.06.2023)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government employees continuing to draw their pay as per 6th pay commission-revised rate
effective from 01.01.2023. (07.06.2023)
Creation of Project Monitoring Unit in the Finance Department and
funding of JKIDFC projects through budgetary route out of surplus
revenue accruals of JKIDFC with the Government. (19.05.2023)
Introduction of P&AO System in respect of all Corporations/PSUs funded by the Government of
Jammu & Kashmir for operations through Treasuries. (18.05.2023)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners on revised rates effective from 01.01.2023. (04.05.2023)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government employees on revised rates effective from 01.01.2023.(04.05.2023)
Revision of rate of interest on General Provident Fund.(28.04.2023)
Appointment of Multitasking Staff (Orderly) in the Finance Department.(12.04.2023)
Authorization of Capex Budget out of approved BE 2023-24.(31.03.2023)
Authorization of funds under Revenue Budget out of approved BE 2023-24.(31.03.2023)
Re-constitution of committees for evaluation of technical bids and evaluation of financial bids of tenders for Group Personal
Accidental Insurance Policy for alI UT Government Employees (Gazetted and Non-Gazetted) including the employees of
PSUs/Autonomous Bodies/Local Bodies/ Universities etc. for two years w.e.f April 2023 onwards.(24.03.2023)
Training programme on "Material Management and Purchase Policy & E-Procurement in Govt. Departments &
Autonomous Bodies" organised by "India Institute of Secretariat Training and Development at Goa".(21.02.2023)
Enhancement of Wages of Daily Wage earners.(21.02.2023)
Amendment in Audit Manual 2020. (08.02.2023)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government employees continuing to draw their pay as per 5th CPC-revised rate effective from 01.07.2022. (06.02.2023)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners continuing to draw their Pension/ Family Pension
as per 6th CPC-revised rate effective from 01.07.2022. (06.02.2023)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government employees continuing to draw their pay as per 6th CPC-revised rate effective from 01.07.2022.(06.02.2023)
Representation of M/S Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd., 47-50A Industrial Extension Area, Gangyal, Jammu-180010.(28.01.2023)
Nomination of Officer as Director on the Board of Directors of J&K Trade Promotion Organization (JKTPO).(27.01.2023)
Revision of Rate of Interest on General Provident Fund.(17.01.2023)
Allotment of Demands for Grant in favour of newly created " Mining Department".(12.01.2023)
Appointment of Multitasking Staff (Orderly),in the Finance Department.(11.01.2023)
Transfer and Posting.(18.11.2022)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Pensioners/ Family Pensioners on revised rate effective from 01.07.2022.(07.11.2022)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government Employees on revised rate effective from 01.07.2022.(07.11.2022)
Revision of Rate of Interest on General Provident Fund.(02.11.2022)
Constitution of committees for evaluation of technical bids, evaluation framing uploading/opening of tenders for Group Personal Accidental Insurance
Policy for all UT Government Employees (Gazetted and Non-Gazetted) of financial bids and the tender document including the employees of PSUs/Autonomous Bodies/Local Bodies/
Universities etc. for three years w.e.f 2nd December 2022 onwards.(25.10.2022)
Constitution of Review Suspension Committee.(18.10.2022)
Constitution of Sub Committee of Union Territory Level Coordination Committee(UTLCC).(12.10.2022)
Visit of Hon'ble Ministers, Government of India- assigning of responsibilities thereof.(07.10.2022)
Revision of Rate of Interest on General Provident Fund.(22.08.2022)
Delegation of draw and disbursing powers.(27.06.2022)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners continuing to draw their Pension/ Family Pension as per 6th CPC - revised rate effective from 01.01.2022.(22.06.2022)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government employees continuing to draw their pay as per 6th CPC - revised rate effective from 01.01.2022.(22.06.2022)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government employees continuing to draw their pay as per 5th CPC - revised rate effective from 01.01.2022.(22.06.2022)
Termination of probation and discharge from service in case of Mr. Khalid Bashir Tantray, Inspector(Probationer) in the State Taxes Department
S/O Bashir Ahmad Tantray R/o Kursun Lolab Kupwara A/P Gousia Coloby Bemina, Srinagar.(30.05.2022)
Revision of Rate of Interest on General Provident Fund.(30.05.2022)
Salaries of Panchayat Accounts Assistants.(12.05.2022)
Transfers and Postings.(28.04.2022)
Enhancement of wages of Daily Wage Workers.(23.04.2022)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government Pensioners/ Family Pensioners on revised rate effective from 01.01.2022.(20.04.2022)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government employees of revised rate effective from 01.01.2022.(20.04.2022)
Authorization of Capex Budget out of approved BE 2022-23.(31.03.2022)
Authorization of funds under Revenue Budget out of approved BE 2022-23.(31.03.2022)
Regularization/ Promotion of Assistant Director's (E&S) as Deputy Directors (E&S) of J&K Economics and Statistics (Gazetted) Service.(28.03.2022)
Transfers and postings in the J&K Economics and Statistics (Gazetted) Cadre. (25.02.2022)
Extension of last date for deposition/ remittance of premium for renewal of Group Personal Accidental Insurance Policy
for employees of J&K Government and deduction of premium thereof.(03.02.2022)
Appointment of Class-IV posts In the UT /Divisional Cadre in the Finance Department: Corrigendum to Government order No. 342-FD of 2021 dated 17.12.2021
& Government Order No. 343-FD of2021 dated 22.12.2021.(02.02.2022)
Transfers and postings/assignment of additional charge in the J&K Economics and Statistics (Gazetted) Cadre.(31.01.2022)
Appointment of Class-IV posts in the UT/Divisional Cadre in the Finance Department.(21.01.2022)
Constitution of NPS Oversight & Review Committee.(30.12.2021)
Assigning of Additional Charge of the posts of E&S Cadre.(28.12.2021)
Assigning of Additional Charge of the posts of E&S Cadre.(28.12.2021)
Appointment of Mr. Baldev Prakash as Government Director on the Board of l&K Bank..(27.12.2021)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government employees continuing to draw their pay as per 5th CPC-revised rate effective from 01.07.2021.(22.12.2021)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government Pensioners/ Family Pension as per 6th CPC-revised rate effective from 01.07.2021.(22.12.2021)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government employees continuing to draw their pay as per 6th CPC-revised rate effective from 01.07.2021.(22.12.2021)
Appointment of Class-IV posts in the UT/Divisional Cadre in the Finance Department.(22.12.2021)
Appointment of Class-IV posts in the UT/Divisional Cadre in the Finance Department.(17.12.2021)
Government Employees retired during the period from January, 2020 to June, 2021-calculation of
Gratuity and Cash Equivalent of Leave Salary-regarding..(06.12.2021)
Expenditure Management- Economy, austerity measures and rationalization of expenditure.(06.12.2021)
Judgment dated 22.03.2021, in TA No.3749/2021 (SWP No. 2134/2020)passed by Hon'ble Central Administrative
Tribunal, Jammu Bench and order dated 09.09.2021 passed by Hon'ble High Court of lammu & Kashmir and Ladakh in
WP(C) No.1722/2021, titled "Er. Sheikh Mohammad Hussain and Ors Vs U.T of Jammu & Kashmir and Ors"..(06.12.2021)
Revision of Rate of Interest on General Provident Fund.(06.12.2021)
Renewal of Group Personal Accidental Insurance Policy for Employees of J&K Government (Gazetted & Non-Gazetted)
including the employees of PSUs / Autonomous Bodies /local Bodies/ Universities, Daily Rated Workers,Consolidated / Contractual / Contingent Paid Workers/
Adhoc employees and SPOs and deduction of premium thereof.(29.11.2021)
Transfer and Posting.(18.11.2021)
Revision of Dearness Allowance to Pensioners/Family Pensioners revised rate effective from 01.07. 2021. (17.11.2021)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government employees on revised rate effective 01. 07. 2021.(17.11.2021)
Appointment of Class-IV posts in the UT/Divisional Cadre in the Finance Department.(16.11.2021)
Transfer/ Posting of Smt. Sangeeta Ojha, Senior Compiler and Smt Sheetal Ganjoo, Compiler.(12.11.2021)
Case FIR No. 32/2015 P/S VOK (now ACB)- appointment of Inquiry Officer thereof.(11.11.2021)
Appointment of Class-IV posts in the UT/Divisional Cadre in the Finance Department.(05.11.2021)
Introduction of P&AO System with Treasury Operation in all the Autonomous Bodies/ Institutions receiving Grant-in-Aid from Government of J&K. (03.11.2021)
Appointment of Class-IV posts in the UT/Divisional Cadre in the Finance Department.(28.10.2021)
Appointment of Class-IV posts in the UT/Divisional Cadre in the Finance Department.(25.10.2021)
Appointment of Class-IV posts in the UT/Divisional Cadre in the Finance Department.(22.10.2021)
Transfers and Postings.(07.10.2021) <
Transfers and Postings.(30.09.2021)
Date of next increment under Rule 10 of J&K Civil Service (Revised) Pay Rules, 2018-Clarification regarding.(30.09.2021)
Final Seniority List of Members of Jammu and Kashmir Excise and State Taxes (Gazetted) Service as it stood on 22.07.2019.(28.09.2021)
Payment of Dearness Allowaance to Government Pensioners/ Family Pensioners continuing to draw their Pension/ Family pension as per 6th CPC(Revised rate effective from 01.07.2021).(16.09.2021)
Payment of Dearness Allowaance to Government employees continuing to draw their pay as per 6th CPC(Revised rate effective from 01.07.2021).(16.09.2021)
Payment of Dearness Allowaance to Government employees continuing to draw their pay as per 5th CPC(Revised rate effective from 01.07.2021).(16.09.2021)
Constitution of UT Level Procurement Committee for IT equipment and service in State Taxes Department, J&K.(15.09.2021)
Assigning the Additional Charge of Director (Planning), Forest, Ecology & Environment Department.(08.09.2021)
Execution of Public Works(District Plan)- General Directions thereof.(07.09.2021)
Posting of Junior Scale Officers of the 2019 batch of Jammu and Kashmir Administartive Service (JKAS).(03.09.2021)
Settlement of absence period od Smt. Farhat Tasleem, Statistical Assiatnt (Suspendee)(02.09.2021)
Addendum to GO 194-F of 2021 dated 20.07.2021-Rationalisation of Pension of Judicial Officers.(24.08.2021)
Appointment of the Inquiry Officer for initiating Regular Departmental Action(RDA) against Mohammad Ishaq Shah,
Ex-District Statistics & Evaluation Officer, Kupwara.(17.08.2021)
Introduction of PA&O system with Treasury Operation in Craft Development Institute, Srinagar and Food Craft Institute, Jammu.(13.08.2021)
Transfer and Posting of Assistant Director (P&S). (11-08-2021)
Restructuring and unbundling of Jammu and Kashmir Power Development Department (JKPDD),
Jammu and Kashmir State Power Development Coprporation Limited (JKSPDCL) and J&K State Power Trading Company Limited (JKSPTCL)
nominattion of representatives /Director thereof. (10-08-2021)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government Pensioners / Family Pensioners on revised rate effective from 01-07-2021. (02-08-2021)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government employees on revised rate effective from 01-07-2021. (02-08-2021)
Revision of Rate of Interest on General Provident Fund. (29.07.2021)
Introduction of PAO system with Treasury Operation in JK KVIB .(27.07.2021)
Rationalisation of Pension of Judicial Officers in terms of Justice Shetty Commission and Justice E. Padmanabhan Report.(20.07.2021)
Deposition of Premium for Group Personal Accidental Insurance Policy for a total number of 2208 PDL/TDL workers of PDD, working In KPDCL, JPDCL,
JKPTCL & JKPCL for year 2021.(06.07.2021)
Introduction of "PROOF" (Photographic Record Of On-site Facility) mobile application.(06.07.2021)
Introductlon of PAO system In corporations of POD after unbundling and modifications thereof.(02.07.2021)
Nomination of of Mr. Mohammad Yaqoob Itoo, Director General Budget, Finance Department as Mission Director for the
State Level Implementation Committee (SLIC) for Pardhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY).(02.07.2021)
Assignmnet of additional charge to the Members of J&K Accounts Service.(30.06.2021)
Transfer / Posting of the Members of J&K Accounts Service.(30.06.2021)
Transfer / Posting of the Members of J&K Accounts Service.(30.06.2021)
Transfer / Posting of the Members of J&K Accounts Service.(30.06.2021)
Extension in the period of probation of Accounts Officer appointed in the J&K Accounts (Gazetted) Service.(30.06.2021)
Release of budget under District Budget out of approved BE 2021-22(28.06.2021)
Revision of Rate of Interest on General Provident Fund(24.06.2021)
Introduction of P&AO System with Treasury Operation in all the Autonomous Bodies/Institutions receiving Grant-in-Aid from Government of J&K.(22.06.2021)
Final Seriority list of Sub-inspectors- Corrigendum to Govt Order No 151-FD of 2020 dated 22.4.2020 (22.06.2021)
Addendum to Govt. Order 02-F of 2021 dated 05.01.2021. (21.06.2021)
Transfer and posting of Assistant Director.(28.05.2021)
Assignment of Charge of Executive Director, JKIDFC.(21.05.2021)
Deployment of Ms Sumati Sharma, Assistant Director(E&S) in the O/o Resident Commissioner, J&K, New Delhi.(21.05.2021)
Stop-gap placement of Assistant Accounts Officers as I/C Junior Scale Accounts Officers.(14.05.2021)
Transfer and Postings.(12.05.2021)
Liberalized Policy on International Assistance during Covid-19 Role of States/ UTs- Appointment of Nodal Officer.(05.05.2021)
Final Refund/Payment of GPF balance of NPS Subscribers.(05.05.2021)
Deferment of Darbar Move for the Summer Session, 2021- Arrangement regarding Officers moving in full / In Camp. (30.04.2021)
Transfer and Posting of Assistant Directors(E&S). (27.04.2021)
Addendum to Government Order No. 02-F of 2021 dated 05.01.2021. (27.04.2021)
Placement of Assistant Director (P&S) as I/c Deputy Director (P&S) in the J&K Economics & Statistics (Gazetted) Service.(27.04.2021)
Final Seniority list of the Members of Jammu and Kashmir Accounts Services, Finance Department as it stood on 01.01.2021.(26.04.2021)
Transfer and Posting of Assistant Directors (E&S).(22.04.2021)
Constitution of a Committee for supervising the process of allotment of JKEL-2 vends.(09.04.2021)
Appointment of candidates for the post of Junior Assistant (Finance Department) Divisional Cadre Kashmir.
Adv/Item No. 4 of 2017/156 under Hon'ble PM Package for Kashmiri Migrants.(09.04.2021)
Placement of Statistical Officer as I/c Assistant Directors (P&S) (08.04.2021)
Authorization of 100% Revenue and Capex Budget out of appropriation approved by the parliament- RE 2020-21 thereof.(26.03.2021)
Authorization of Capex Budget out of approved BE 2021-22.(01.04.2021)
Replacement of Manual TE (Transfer Entry) Procedure by e-TE w.e.f 01.04.2021.(31.03.2021)
Authorization of funds under Revenue Budget 2021-22.(31.03.2021)
Authorization of 100% Revenue and Capex Budget out of appropriation approved by the parliament- RE 2020-21 thereof.(26.03.2021)
Revision of Interest Rate on General Provident Fund.(17.03.2021)
Assignment of Additional Charge.(09.03.2021)
Authorization of 100% Capex Budget out of approved BE 2020-21 in respect of "New Works".(05.03.2021)
Transfer and Postings. (04.03.2021)
Adjustment of I/c Assistant Directors (P&S). (04.03.2021)
Adjustment of I/c Assistant Directors (P&S). (02.03.2021)
Placement of Statistical Officers as I/c Assistant Directors (P&S). (24.02.2021)
Appointment of Enquiry Officer to conduct enquiry into the Case FIR No. 25/2018 Police Station, Crime Branch, Kashmir. (24.02.2021)
Constitution of Internal Committee under Article 226(2) of the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service Regulations, 1956. (18.02.2021)
Authorization of 50% District Capex (Regular Component) out of approved BE 2020-21 In respect of "New Works". (29.01.2021)
Construction of Audit Committee in accordance with the regulation 145 of the regulations on Audit and Accounts 2020. (25.01.2021)
Authorization of funds out of approved Capex Budget 2020-21 in espect of "New Works", "On-going Works" and "Non Construction" activities.(15.01.2021)
Enquiry into the delay in the processing of a case relating to resignation of an Ex-official in the office of Commmissioner, State Taxes.(15.01.2021)
Apportionment of Assets, Rights, Liabilities and posts of erstwhile State of J&K between the Union Territory of J&K and Union Territory of Ladakh.(14.01.2021)
Introduction of P&AO system in JK Forest Development Corporation under the Administrative Control of Fores.t, Ecology and Environment Department. (12.01.2021)
Nomination of officers for setting up of the DBT Cell for implementation of schemes on DBT platform in UT of J&K. (12.01.2021)
Acceptance of resignations of the officials (Inspector / Sub-Inspectors) of Excise and State Taxes Department. (12.01.2021)
Constitution of UT Level Committee for drafting of Economic Survey 2020 for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir. (08.01.2021)
Constitution of Expert Committee to devise frame work for Economic growth in UT of J&K and finalization of Economic Survey document of 2020 for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir. (08.01.2021)
Introduction of P and AO system in the Autonomous Bodies under the Administrative control of Housing and Urban Development Department. (05.01.2021)
Authorization of further 50% Distrct Capex (Regular Component) out of approved BE 2020-21 in respect of "On-going Works" and "Non-Construction" activities . (05.01.2021)
Authorization to the release of further funds under Revenue Component for the financial year 2020-21 &
relaxation to expenditure restriction imposed in view of Covid-19 Pandemic. (17.12.2020)
Steamlining of expenditure. (11.12.2020)
Renewal of Group Janta Personal Accidental Insurance Policy for Employees of J&K Government
(Gazetted & Non-Gazetted) including the employees of PSUs / Autonomous Bodies / Universities, Daily Rated Workers,
Consolidated / Contractual / Contigent Paid Workers/ Adhoc employees and SPOs and deduction of premium thereof. (27.11.2020)
Transfer and Posting of Excise & Taxation Officer. (13.11.2020)
Audit Manual of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. (29.10.2020)
Accounts Officer with the Deputy Commissioner at each District shall be the part of the Concurrent Audit Teams for monitoring and implementation of languishing Projects. (12.10.2020)
Interest subvention of 5% in case of all borrowers excluding borrowers under KCC, ACC, Loan against deposits, Loan under personal segment and NBFCs(01.10.2020)
Transfer and posting of Statistical Assiatants (E&S). (29.09.2020)
Implementation of General Provident Fund Central Services Rules 1960. (28.09.2020)
Nomination of First Appellate Authority / Public Information Officer in the Finance Deprtment under Right to Information Act, 2005. (25.09.2020)
Transfer and posting of I/c Joint Directors. (21.09.2020)
Transfer and posting of Director. (21.09.2020)
Select list of candidates for the post of Accounts Assistant (Apprentices) Finance Department. (21.09.2020)
Corrigendum to Govt Order 252-FD of 2020 dated 17.09.2020 : Release of funds to District Development Commissioners under Capex Budget for completion of ongoing works of 2019-20 under "Back to Village" Programme, (B2V1 & B2V2) (18.09.2020)
Release of funds to District Development Commissioners under Capex Budget for completion of ongoing works of 2019-20 under "Back to Village" Programme, (B2V1 & B2V2) (17.09.2020)
Third Phase of Back to Village (B2V3) Programme and Conducting of JAN ABHIYAN/AWAMI MUHIM w.e.f 10th September to 1st October, 2020. (17.09.2020)
Corrigendum to Government Order NO. 204-FD of 2020 dated 17.07.2020 :Appointment of candidates for the post of Junior Assistant (Finance Department) Division Cadre Kashmir. Adv./Item No.4 of 2017/156 under PM Package for Kashmir Migrants.(15.09.2020)
Corrigendum to Govt. Order No. 243-FD of 2020 dated 04.09.2020 : Restructuring and unbundling of Jammu and Kashmir Power Development Department (JKPDD), Jammu and Kashmir State Power Development Corporation Limited (JKSPDCL) and J&K State Power Trading Company Limited (JKSPTCL)-nomination of representatives / Director thereof. (15.09.2020)
Third Phase of Back to Village (B2V3) Programme-Conducting of JAN ABHIYAN/AWAMI MUHIM w.e.f 10th September to 1st October, 2020.(09.09.2020)
Revision of Rate of Interest on General Provident Fund.(09.09.2020)
Placement of Assistant Director (P&S) as I/c Deputy Director (P&S) in the J&K Economics & Statistics Service.(08.09.2020)
Restructuring and unbundling of Jammu and Kashmir Power Development Department (JKPDD), Jammu and Kashmir State Power Development Corporation Limited (JKSPDCL)
and J&K State Power Trading Company Limited (JKSPTCL)-nomination of representatives / Director thereof.(04.09.2020)
Assigning of additional charge to Mr Shahnawaz Shah, KAS.(04.09.2020)
Placement of Officials at the disposal of the Excise Commissioner.(03.09.2020)
Appointment of candidates for the post of Junior Assistant(Finance Department) Divisional Cadre Kashmir, under PM package for Kashmir Migrants- Wings alloted thereof.(01.09.2020)
Placement of Deputy Directors (E&S) of J&K Economics and Statistics (Gazetted) Service as I/c Joint Director.(28.08.2020)
Approval regarding use of language in Stamps / Stamps papers in UT of J&K.(27.08.2020)
Release of funds under "Untied Grants".(20.08.2020)
Real-Time ledger posting and Real Time Transfer Entry (T.E) Updation.(20.08.2020)
Extension of Services of Shri D.P.Hura, Sr. PPS to the Advisory Committee on Appointment of Assets & Liabilities of Jammu & Kashmir.(20.08.2020)
Constitution of Committee to examine the RFP (Request For Proposal) and the business model for outsourcing of Pahalgam Club and Convention Centre (PCCC) (19.08.2020)
Final Seniority list of the Ministerial Staff of the UT and Divisional Cadre Jammu / Kashmir of the J&K Excise and Sales Taxes Department (Subordinate) Service, as on 01.01.2019. (17.08.2020)
Transfer of Stamp Duty collected through e-Stamping by Stock Holding Corporation of India (SHCIL) LImited to the State Treasury. (11.08.2020)
Payment of salary in advance for the month of July, 2020 to the employees of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. (27.07.2020)
Authorization of 50% funds under District Capex Budget(Regular Component) for 2020-21 in respect of "On-going Works" and "Non-Construction" activities.(20.07.2020)
Appointment of candidates for the post of Junior Assistant (Finance Department) Division Cadre Kashmir. Adv./Item No.4 of 2017/156 under PM Package for Kashmir Migrants.(17.07.2020)
Grant of Paternity leave in favour of Sh Ranjeet Kumar Thakur, Distrit Statistical and Evaluation Office, Kathua.(10.07.2020)
Acceptance of the resignation of Inspectors/Sub-Inspectors of Excise and State Taxes (Subordinate) Service.(08.07.2020)
Transfer and Posting of the officers of J&K Economics and Statistics (Gazetted) Service.(26.06.2020)
Nomination of Nodal Officer for implementation of Central Sector Scheme "Support for Statistical Strengthening (SSS)" in the UT of Jammu and Kaslnnir.(26.06.2020)
Nomination of Nodal Officer for implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the UT ofJammu and Kashmir.(26.06.2020)
Authorization of 50% Capex Budget for 2020-21 in respect of "On going Works" and "Non-Construction" activities.(25.06.2020)
Appointment of a Nodal officer to Coordinate with the Accountant General's Office.(25.06.2020)
Introduction of P&AO system in newly created 04 corporatoins of PDD after unbundling. (24.06.2020)
Constitution of Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for conducting surveys. (23.06.2020)
Promotion of I/c Joint Directors (E&S) of J&K Economic and Statistics (Gazetted) Service as In-Charge Directors. (19.06.2020)
Placement of Officers / Officials at the disposal of the Excise Commissioner. (15.06.2020)
Final Seniority list of Sub-Inspectors of the J&K Excise and State Taxes Departments, as it stood on 09.12.2019. (22.04.2020)
Placement of Assistant Directors (P&S) as I/C Deputy Director (P&S) in the J&K Economics & Statistics Service. (17.04.2020)
Online Submission of Bills in Treasuries for processing by Drawing and Disbursing Officers through IT enabled "JKPaySys" application. (01.04.2020)
Assignment of Charge of Director General Accounts and Treasuries. (31.03.2020)
Corrigendum to Govt Order 86-F of 2020 dated 05.03.2020 in respect of District kulgam. (30.03.2020)
Authorization of funds under Revenue Budget 2020-21. (27.03.2020)
Selection list of the candidates for the post of Inspector, Finance Department (State Cadre). (19.03.2020)
Reconstruction of Board of Directors of Jammu and Kashmir Infrastructure Development Finance Corporation Ltd. (12.03.2020)
Constitution of Technical Evaluation committee for evaluation of request for proposal of hiring of Consultants. (12.03.2020)
Stop gap arrangement in the J&K Accounts (Gazetted) Service. (11.03.2020)
Expenditure Reforms: Streamlining spending in Government Departments to avoid last minute rush of expenditure. (06.03.2020)
Advance drawal of funds available with various District Development Commissioners under various programmes. (05.03.2020)
Setting up of Consumer Welfar Fund under the Jammu and Kashmir Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017. (04.03.2020)
Assignment of charge. (28.02.2020)
Transfers/Postings of J&K Accounts (Gazetted) Service.(28.02.2020)
Grant of Maternity Leave in favour of Ms. Romi Ahad, District Statistical and Evaluation Officer, Budgam.(27.02.2020)
Transfer and Posting.(27.02.2020)
Transfer & Posting - drawal of salary thereof.(26.02.2020)
Post-facto sanction for air travel/deputation in favour of Mr. Ghulam Rasool Mir,
Under Secretary and Mr Mohammad Ramzan Dar, Private Secretary from Jammu to Srinagar.(26.02.2020)
Deputing of Officers as Protocol Officers for pension Adalat.(26.02.2020)
All India Trainers (AITOT) workshop on Annual Survey Industries for all State DES at New Delhi on 4th and 5th March, 2020. (17.02.2020)
All India Trainers (AITOT) workshop on Annual Survey Industries for all State DES at New Delhi on 4th and 5th March, 2020. (17.02.2020)
Advance Drawal of funds available with various District Development Commissioners under Various programmes. (17.02.2020)
Transfer and Placement of STOs/ETOs/Inspectors. (15.02.2020)
Un-authorised retention of Government Money in Bank Accounts. (15.02.2020)
Compassionate appointment case of Mst. Ishrat w/o Late Bilal Ahmad Parray (Ex-Senior Assistant) R/o SDA Colony, Bemina Srinagar, under SRO-43 of 1994. (14.02.2020)
Delegation of Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Accounts Officer Mission Youth, J&K. (12.02.2020)
Launch of a month-long Special Financial Inclusion Campaign in UT of J&K. (10.02.2020)
Nomination for Training at Administartive Staff College of India, Hyderabad. (07.02.2020)
Transfer and Postings (28.01.2020)
Nomination of First Appellate Authority/Public Information Officers in the Finance Department under Right to Information Act, 2005. (28.01.2020)
Nomination of Training at Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad in three batches. (24.01.2020)
Discontinuance of Personal Pay for adoption/ promotion of small family norms. (24.01.2020)
Advance drawal of funds avaialble with District Development Commissioners under various programmes.(23.01.2020)
Placement of Officers / Officials at the disposal of the State Taxes Department.(22.01.2020)
Release of funds for completion of works taken under Constituency Development Scheme (CDS). (16.01.2020)
Constitution of a Search Committee for selection of Chairman as well as Managing Director / CEO of J&K Bank Ltd. (16.01.2020)
Advance Drawal of funds available with various District Development Commissioners under Various programmes. (10.01.2020)
Selection list of the candidates for the post of Inspector, Finance Department (State Cadre).
Ref:-Order No 311-SSB of 2019 dated 24-12~2019 issued by JKSSB(08.01.2020).
Selection list of the candidates for the post of Inspector, Finance Department (State Cadre).
Ref:-302-Adm/22-23/CST dated 07-01-2020 issued by Commissioner State Taxes, J&K(08.01.2020).
Selection list of the candidates for the post of Inspector, Finance Department (State Cadre). Ref:- 302-Adm/22-23/CST dated 07-01-2020 issued by Commissioner State Taxes, J&K(08.01.2020).
Implementation of General Provident Fund(Central Services) Rules,1960. (08.01.2020)
Advance Drawal of funds avaialble with District Development Commissioners under District Capex. (06.01.2020)
Selection list of the candidates for the post of Inspector, Finance Department(State Cadre). (03.01.2020)
Revision of Rate of Interest on General Provident Fund and other similar funds.(27.12.2019)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government Pensioners / family pensioners continuing to draw their pension / family pension
as per 6th CPC-revised rate effective from 01.01.2019 & 01.07.2019(27.12.2019)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government employees continuing to draw their pay as per 6th CPC-revised rate effective from 01.07.2019(27.12.2019)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Government employees continuing to draw their pay as per 5th CPC-revised rate effective from 01.07.2019(27.12.2019)
Release of funds to District Development Commissioners under Capex Budget in connection with "Back to Village"Programme. (16.12.2019)
Selection list of the candidates for the post of Sub-Inspector, Finance Department (Divisional Cadre Jammu)- recommendations released.(09.12.2019)
Corrigendum to Government Order No. 370-FD of 2019 dated 20.06.2019.(04.12.2019)
Implementation of Group Personnel Accidental Insuarance Policy for employees of the J&K (Gazetted and Non Gazetted) including Employees of PSUs/Autonomous Bodies/Local Bodies/ Universities, Daily Rated Workers, Consolidated/ Contractual/ Adhoc employees/
Contingent paid workers and SPOs for a period of 3 years and deduction of premium thereof.(02.12.2019)
Grant of Transport Allowance to the Employees of Union Territory of J&K.(28.11.2019)
Grant of Children Education Allowance (CEA) and Hostel Subsidy to the Employees of Union Territory of J&K.(28.11.2019)
Grant of Special Allowance for Child Care for Women with disabilities.(28.11.2019)
Grant of Incentive for acquiring fresh higher qualification.(28.11.2019)
Allocation of functions between the Finance and Planning Department(22.11.2019)
Release of Funds to District Develoipment Commissioners under Capex Budget in connection with "Back to Village" Programme. (11.11.2019)
Winding up of Jammu and Kashmir Asset Reconstruction Limited. (24-10-2019)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government employees-revised rate effective from 01-07-2019. (24-10-2019)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government Pensioners / Family Pensioners-revised rate effective from 01-07-2019. (24-10-2019)
Amendment in the Jammu and Kashmir Book of Financial Powers. (24.10.2019()
Amendment in the Jammu and Kashmir Book of Financial Powers. (24-10-2019)
Restriction of Expenditure within the Revised EStomates for the seven months of 2019-20 submitted by the Departments for the period from 1st April to 30th October, 2019(22-10-2019)
Enhancement of Move T.A (17-10-2019)
Constitution of Tender Opening and Evaluation Committees and Nomination of Nodal Officer for e-tendering for Group Personal Accidental lnsurance Policy for all State Government Employees
Gazetted and Non Gazetted including the employees of PSUs/Autonomous Bodies/Local Bodies/Universities etc for the year 2019-2020 and onwards. (14-10-2019)
Revision of rate of interest on General Provident Fund and other similar funds. (17-09-2019)
Corrigendum to Govternment Order NO. 425-F of 2019 dated 04.09.2019. (17-09-2019)
Amendment in the Jammu & Kashmir Book of Financial Powers.(14-10-2019)
Release of balance premium in favour of M/S Oriental Insurance Company Ltd Jammu for Group Personal Accidental Insurance Policy of Government Employees
Gazettd and Non Gazetted) including the employees of PSUs/Autonomous Bodies/ Local Bodies/ Universities, Daily Rated Workers, Cpnsolidated / Contractual / Adhoc employees, Contingent paid workers and SPOs,
which stands renewed with them w.e.f 1st December 2018 to midnight 30th of november 2019.(11-09-2019)
Release of Funds to Divisional Commissioner Jammu/Kashmir and each District Develoment Commissionner under Capex Budget in connection with "Back to Village" Programme. (04-09-2019)
Authorization of funds into and from the Consolidated Fund and custody of money in the Public Account of the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir. (04-09-2019)