Uploading of Employee details on the CPIS portal by DDOs in a time bound
manner. (17.11.2017)
Austerity Measures in Government Spending. (25.10.2017)
Revision of Recruitment Rules.
Negotiation of Premium rates regarding Group Janta Personal Accidental
Insurance Policy compulsory for all the State Govt. employees including
employees of PSUs /Autonomous Bodies / Local Bodies / Universities, daily
rated workers, Consolidated / Contractual / Adhoc employees and SPOs for the
year 2017-18
Abolition of posts of Helpers and supernumerary posts- information
thereof. (03.10.2017)
Opening and Evaluation of bids for Registered IRDA approved brokers for
designing and implementation of Group Mediclaim Insurance Policy for all
State Government employees including Employees of PSUs / Autonomous Bodies /
Universities, Pensioners and their dependent family members.
2nd round of meeting On :
Opening and evaluation
of tenders regarding (1) Registered IRDA Approved Brokers for designing and
Implementation of Group Mediclaim Insurance Policy for all State
Government Employees including Employees of PSUs / Autonomous Bodies /
Universities, Pensioners and their dependent family members and (2) Group
Personal Insurance for all State Government Employees
Change in Meeting Time from 2.00 PM to 4.30PM
Opening and evaluation
of tenders regarding (1) Group Personal Insurance for all State Government
Employees and ( 2) Registered IRDA Approved Brokers for designing and
Implementation of Group Mediclaim Insurance Policy for all State
Government Employees including Employees of PSUs / Autonomous Bodies /
Universities, Pensioners and their dependent family members
Meeting Notice: Opening and evaluation
of tenders regarding (1) Group Personal Insurance for all State Government
Employees and ( 2) Registered IRDA Approved Brokers for designing and
Implementation of Group Mediclaim Insurance Policy for all State
Government Employees including Employees of PSUs / Autonomous Bodies /
Universities, Pensioners and their dependent family members
Tentative Seniority list of Drivers in the State, Divisional Cadre Kashmir /
Jammu of the J&K Excise & Commercial Taxes (Subordinate) Service
as it stood on 01.01.2017 (27.07.2017)
Abolition of posts of Helpers and Supernumerary posts- information thereof.
Aadhar Based Biometric Identification and Skill Profiling of Casual/Seasonal
Labourer/Workers CSLWs
Deduction of tax at source in respect of work contract in the new Goods and
Services Tax Regime vis-a-vis the treatment under J&K General Sales Tax Act,
1962 (21.07.2017)
CIRCULAR : Undue retention / overstayal in Government service beyond the
date of retirement. (04.07.2017)
for regularization of Casual Labourers and other workers in various
departments. (30.06.2017)
CIRCULAR : Policy for engaging / outsourcing of services /activities
-Guidelines for compliance of labour laws thereof .
Selection list of the candidates for the post of Junior
Assistants (Divisional Cadre Jammu / Kashmir) - notice for cancellation of the
appointments in favour of 05 appointees. (15.06.2017)
Aadhar Based Biometric identification and Skill Profiling of (CSLWs).
Selection list of the candidates for the post of Junior
Scale Stenographer (Divisional Cadre Jammu) - notice for cancellation of the
appointment in favour of 07 appointees. (13.06.2017)
Circular : Abolition of posts of Helpers and supernumerary posts.
Information for Mrs Kiran Kumari D/o Sh. Serikanth Bali, Udhampur.
Aadhar Based Circular Biometric Identification and Skill Profiling-
Casual Labours / Needbased / Other Categories (31.03.2017)
Non-deduction of Premium on account of Mediclaim
Insurance Policy for J&K Gazetted Employees from their salaries till further
Order. (22.02.2017)
CIRCULAR: Regarding proper / compulsory mention of all information while
filing of Forms at the time of submission of pension case to Accountant
General's Office. (20.02.2017)
Non submission of the Enrolment Forms of the Gazetted officers regarding
Mediclaim Insurance Policy where premium stands deducted from their salaries
by some DDOs (concemed) to ICICI Lombard GIC Ltd' as on date
Drawal of Salary for employees governed under New Pension Scheme (NPS)
State Level Financial Inclusion Committee
(SLFIC) Meeting Thereof.
Selection list of the candidates for the post of
Junior Assistants (Division Cadre
Kashmir /Jammu)- notice for Cancellation of the appointments in favour of
sic appointees. (30.11.2016)
Change of limits for e-tendering (19.09.2016)
Tentative Seniority List of Ministerial Staff in the State, Divisional
Cadre Kashmir/ Jammu of the Excise & Commercial Taxes (Subordinate) Service
as it stood on 01.01.2016.
Abridge Notice : Tentative Seniority List of Ministerial Staff in the
State, Divisional Cadre Kashmir/ Jammu of the Excise & Commercial Taxes
(Subordinate) Service as it stood on 01.01.2016.
Selection list of the candidates for the post of Junior Assistants
(Divisional Cadre Jammu / Kashmir)- notice for cancellation of the
appointments in favour of 13 appointees. (26.06.2016)
Renewal of Group Janta Personal Accidental Insurance Policy with M/S
Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. for 3rd year (2016-17) commencing from 16th
July 2016 and deduction of premium from the salaries of all State Govt
employees and employees of PSU/Autonomous Bodies/Universities etc for the
month of June 2016.
Circular : Renewal of Group Mediclaim Insurance Policy
for All Gazetted Employees of J&K for 3rd year (2016-17) on mandatory
Circular : Monitoring of Expenditure under CSS and Negotiated Loans. (21.04.2016)
Circular : Drawal of Salary for the month of March,
2016 (30.03.2016)
Circular : Expenditure Management - Economy Measures
and Rationalisation of Expenditure. (19.02.2016)
Circular : Speedy Disposal of Pension Cases. (18.02.2016)
Renewal of Group Mediclaim Insurance Policy for all Gazetted Employees of
J&K State for 3rd year (2016-17) on mandatory basis. (10.02.2016)
Streamlining and avoiding rush of expenditure in the last few days of March,
Circular :
Posting of details of Tender / Contract on Official Websites
Tentative Seniority List of Guards (Divisional Cadre Jammu / Kashmir) of the
J&K Excise & Commercial Taxes (Subordinate) Services as it stood on
01.01.2016 (27.01.2016)
Selection list of the candidates for the post of SubInspector (Divisional
Cadre Jammu)- Cancellation of the appointment in favour of six appointees
thereof. (06.01.2016)
Selection list of the candidates for the post of sub-inspector (Division Cadre
Jammu)- Cancellation of the appointments in favour of two appointee thereof.
Selection list of the candidates for the post of Sub-Inspector (Divisional
Cadre, Jammu)-Verification of documents thereof. (09.09.2015)
Abridged Notice:
Tentative seniority List of Sub-Inspectors of the J&K Excise & Commercial Taxes
(subordinate) Service as it stood on 01.01.2015
Selection list of the condidates for the post of Sub-Inspector (Divisional Cadre
Kashmir)- notice for cancellation of the appointments in favour of three
Tentative seniority List of Sub-Inspectors of the J&K Excise & Commercial Taxes
(subordinate) Service as it stood on 01.01.2015
Use of Aadhaar based Biometric Attendance Cum
Identification System (BAS) by All Government Employees / Pensioners.
Renewal of Group Janta Personnel Accidental Insurance Policy for 2nd Year
2015-16 Commencing from 16th July 2015 and deduction of premium thereof on
annual basis.
Selection list of the candidates for the post of sub-Inspector (Divisional Cadre
Jammu)- notice for cancellation of the appointment in favour of appointee.
Selection list of the candidates for the post of sub-Inspector (Divisional Cadre
Jammu)- notice for cancellation of the appointment in favour of four appointees.
Standardization of "Detailed Heads of Accounts" for preparation of Annual
Budget of the State under Non-Plan and Plan / Centrally Sponsored Schemes /
Externally Aided Projects and the implementation of the "Treasury Net
Renewal of Mediclaim Insurance Policy for all Gazetted Employees in the State of
J&K for the year 2015-2016 on mandatory basis.(26.02.2015)
Time bound redressal of public grievances
Guidelines regarding reconstruction / rebuilding of official records of
Special Cell, Finance Department damaged / destroyed in recent floods.
CIR refund of extra premium payment for J&K Mediclaim Insurance Policy for
Gazetted Employees of the State
Results Framework Document(RFD)||
Memoramdum of Understanding (MoU)||
Tie-up of Group Janta Personnel Accidental
Insurance Policy for three years 2014-15, 2015-16 & 2016-17 with M/S
Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. Commencing from 17th July, 2014(mid night) and
deduction of premium thereof
Facility to Migrant State Government employees to draw advances out of their
G.P Fund Account and settlement of their final G.P Fund and State Insurance
Recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay commission SCPC - Report of Pay
Committee in respect of employees of the State Government and Implementation
of the decision arrived at after consultation between the JCC and the
Cabinet Sub Committee
Final Seniority List of Jr. Scale Stenographers (State as well as
Cadre) of J&K Excise and Commercial Taxes (Subordinate) Services as it stood
on 01.01.2012
CIRCULAR-Implementation of Mediclaim Insurance Policy for all State
Govt(Gazetted) employees from 31.03.2014 (21.04.2-14)
Implementation of Mediclaim Incurance Policy for all State Government (Gazzetted ) Employees.
Implementaion of mediclaim Insurance Policy (Gazetted) Employees
Implementation of Mediclaim Insurance Policy for all State Government (Gazetted) Employees.
Renewal of Emp. Group Janta Ins. Personnel Accidental Insurance Policy for 3rd.Year and ded. of Premium thereof No.FD-JI-2011-MF-GJPAIP-117 dated 26.06.2013
Financial Literacy Guide Issued in terms of RBI's circular No. RPCD.FLC.No.12452
Non-rendition of red DC accounts to the office of accountant Gernal (A&E), J&K
Subjecting of Service Books to pre-check by the Accountant Gernal before the preparation of pension cases of retirment governament employees - a measure for speedy settlement of pension cases .
Payment of salary to the New entrants appointed under new Pension system (NPS) on or after 01-01.2010
Tender for Supply , Installation, Testing and Sucessful commisioning of 5KVA , 8 KVA single phase automatic servo voltage stabilizers with manual operation option
Filling Of Nomination Form regarging Group Janta Personal Accidental Insurance Policy
Report of the J& K State Finance Commission
J&K Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2009 - date
of next increment in the revised pay structure under
Rule 10.
Issues relating to the employees of Public Sector
undertakings (PSUs).
Purchase of Cement by Government Departments in
Kashmir Valley from J&K Cements Ltd..
Supply of textile items by the J&K State Handloom Development
Corporation Limited to various departments.
Deduction of Premium regarding the Group Janta Personal Accidental Insurance
Policy for the year 2012-13.
Review meeting held by the Hon'b|e Minister for Finance & Ladakh
Affairs with the Directors Finance/FA & CAOS on 15-06-2012.
NotificationQuarterly Progress Report 1
Notification-Quarterly Progress Report of FA & CAOs 1
Srinagar, the 11 July 2012
Srinagar, the 10 July 2012
Srinagar, the 10 July 2012 -II
Employees Group Janta Personal Accidental Insurance Policy for the
year commencing from 14th June 2012(MN) to 13th June 2013(MN)
and deduction of premium thereof
Section-4 RTI
regarding cola to the employees /workers of State Owned PSUs
| |