Circular 2024-25:
Authorization of further funds (additionality) under Revenue Budget for 2024-25 (27.02.2025).
Excise Policy 2025-26 (15.02.2025)
Safer Internet Day on 11th of February, 2025 (10.02.2025)
Minutes of the meeting of the Designated Committee constituted vide Government order No: 23-FD of 2024 dated 14/10/2024 under Jammu & Kashmir Rehabilitation Assistance Scheme 2022 read with S.O 397 of 16/08/2024 held on 22.01.2025.(23.01.2025)
Implementation of SNA-SPARSH "Just-in-Time" release of Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) funds through SNA SPARSH model in UT of J&K (22.01.2025)
Minutes of the meeting of the Designated Committee constituted Government order No: 23-FD of 2024 dated 14/10/2024 under Jammu & Kashmir Rehabilitation Assistance Scheme 2022 read with S.O 397 of 16/08/2024 held on 19.12.2024.(19.12.2024)
Tentative Seniority list of Data Entry Operators, Junior Assistants and MTS (Class-IV) Employees
appointed under the Hon'ble Prime Minister's Package under Divisional Cadre Kashmir in the Finance Department.(19.12.2024)
- Streamlining the Leave Travel Concession procedure for All Indic Service Officers.
Schedule for Budget Discussion (20.11.2024)
Minutes of the meeting of the Designated Committee constituted vide Government Order No: 23- FD of 2024, dated 14/10/2024 under Jammu & Kashmir Rehabilitation Assistance Scheme 2022
read with S.O 397 of 16/08/2024. (19.11.2024)
Preparation of Budget Estimates of 2025-26 and Revised Estimates of 2024-25. (07.11.2024)
Selection for the post of Technical Member (State/UT)in Goods and Services Tax Appellate Tribunal for UT of J&K. (11.10.2024)
Tentative Seniority list of Head Guards and Guards of Divisional Cadre (Jammu/Kashmir) of J&K Excise and States Taxes Department (Subordinate)
Service as on 01.07.2024 (25.09.2024)
Conveying of UT Capex Ceilings including District Capex under BE 2024-25 (Regular Budget) for finalization and uploading of works/activities on BEAMS portal. (09.08.2024)
Selection for the post of Technical Member (State/UT)in Goods and Services Tax Appellate Tribunal for UT of J&K. (01.08.2024)
Streamlining the execution of Developmental Works (03.07.2024)
Extension of CGHS facilities to the Pensioners under Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir (UT) Administration-regarding.(21.05.2024)
Annual financial statements of autonomous bodies/Public Sector Undertakings-Meeting Notice (29.05.2024)
Budget Related Issues (29.05.2024)
Clarification regarding Grant of Children Education Allowance (CEA)and Hostel Subsidy to the Employees of Union Territory of J&K (04.04.2024)
Verification of Service Books of Employees of UT of Jammu & Kashmir- Circular thereof (01.04.2024)
Minutes of the Meeting held under the chairmanship of Principal Secretary to Government, Finance Department on 26th of March, 2024
regarding the monitoring mechanism and progress of Centrally Sponsored Schemes for their effective Implementation (01.04.2024)
Authorization to the release of 100% funds under detailed head: '008-Electricity Charges' out of Revenue Budget for the financial year 2023-24 (29.03.2024)
Authorization to the release of further funds under Revenue Budget and District Capex Budget out of Revised Estimates 2023-24 (19.03.2024)
Large scale fradulent claims of refunds by employees of various Departments of UT of Jammu & Kashmir - regarding (15.03.2024)
Conveying of Capex Ceilings including District Capex under BE 2024-25 for finalization and uploading of works/activities on BEAMS portal (14.03.2024)
Minutes of the review meeting of Budget 2023-24 held by the Hon'ble Lieutenant Governor, J&K on 1st of March,2024 (06.03.2024)
Public Private Partnership (PPP) Beginner's E-course by Infrastructure Secretariat, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India - Circular thereof (29.02.2024)
Procurement of Goods and Services by Government Department / PSUs provided and produced by Micro and Small Industries (27.02.2024)
Drawal of Security Deposit in respect of Languishing Projects (21.02.2024)
Authorization to the release of further funds under Revenue Component out of Revise Estimate 2023-24 (20.02.2024)
Authorization to the release of further funds under Revenue Component for te financial year 2023-24
Guide for PPP Project appraisal & Project Implementation mode selection (23.01.2024)
- Authorization to the release of further funds under
Revenue Component for the financial year 2023-24 (16.01.2024)
Circular 2023:
Modalities for discharging Gratuity Liabilities during transistion of an employee under NPS from UT Government to UT Autonomous body or Vice-Versa and one UT autonomous body
to another autonomous body(15.12.2023)
Statutory obligations to be followed in the contracts for hiring manpower from outsourcing agencies on GeM Portal (04.12.2023)
Verification of Status of GSTIN of the Contractors/Suppliers (28.11.2023)
Mechanism of settlement of GP Fund/SLI Balance/Final Refund Cases of Employees of UT of J&K and UT of Ladakh (28.11.2023)
Inclusion of officials of IT Department and JAKEGA in Purchase Committee for IT Related purchase(24.11.2023)
Declaration of Quasi-permanency (17.11.2023)
Grievance Redressal-cum-Awareness Mela (16th of November to 17th of November, 2023)
Revised Schedule for Budget Discussion 2024-25 Dated 31.10.2023
Revised Schedule for Budget Discussion 2024-25 Dated 25.10.2023
Revised Schedule for Budget Discussion 2024-25 Dated 17.10.2023
Final Selection List /Allocation of Cadres in respect of the posts earmarked for Physically Challenged Candidates (Sub-Category of Deaf
& Hard of Hearing) advertised vide Notification No. 01 of 2020, dated 26.06.2020- Forwarding of Selection thereof(12.10.2023)
Tentative Seniority List of Drivers of UT/Divisional Cadre (Jammu/Kashmir) pf J&K Excise and State Taxes Department (Subordinate) Service as on 01.09.2023 (16.10.2023)
Revised Schedule for Budget Discussion 2024-25 Dated 16.10.2023
Revised Schedule for Budget Discussion 2024-25 Dated 11.10.2023
Budget Schedule 2024-25 Dated 6.10.2023
Authorization of funds under Revenue Budget to the extent of 75% of BE 2023-24 (05.10.2023)
Tentative Seniority List of Ministerial Staff of UT/Divisional Cadre (Jammu/Kashmir) of J&K Excise and State Taxes Department (Subordinate)
Service as on 01.09.2023
Preparation of Budget Estimates of 2024-25 and Revised Estimates of 2023-24 (22.09.2023)
Preparation of Budget Estimates of 2024-25 and Revised Estimates of 2023-24 (20.09.2023)
Minutes of the Meeting - Review of Meeting CAPEX Budget 2023 (18.09.2023)
Adherence to the provision J&K Excise Policy 2023-24 for operationalization of liquor vends (15.09.2023)
Minutes of the Meeting - Review of Meeting of PMDP Projects Implemented in the UT of J&K (25.08.2023)
Circular - Implementation of Group Personal Accidental Insurance Policy (25.08.2023)
Guidelines to Sanctioning Authority/Drawing and Disbursing officers for sanctioning of GP Fund advance/withdrawal (04.08.2023)
Minutes of the meeting, held under the Chairmanship of Shri. Arun Kumar Mehta, IAS, Chief Secretary,
J&K on 08.06.2023 at 03:00 PM in Meeting Hall 2nd Floor Civil Secretariat lammu, regarding review of
Physical/Financial Progress achieved under UT Capex Budget 2022-23 and Capex Budget 2023-24.(26.06.2023)
Non-uploading of valid documents of AATS and PROOF Photographs and rejection
of Works/Activities back to the Department for necessary rectification - reg.(09.06.2023)
Referral of Vacancies.(23.05.2023)
Introduction of P&AO System in respect of all Corporations/PSUs funded by the Government of
Jammu & Kashmir for operations through Treasuries.(19.05.2023)
Change of name by Government employees- Procedure thereof.(10.05.2023)
Creation of Custom/ BoQ bids for any item for which regular category is Government of Jammu & Kashmir Finance Department,(Codes Division)
Clvil Secretariat, Jammu/Srinagar available on GeM. (01.05.2023)
Irregular procurement of works on GeM. (01.05.2023)
Conduct of one-day workshop on "Transformation and Reforms in Financial Management at Convention Center, Srinagar on 3rd of May, 2023. (27.04.2023)
Minutes of Meeting regarding Public Sector Undertakings/ Corporations and Autonomous Bodies held under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary, J&K.(17.04.2023)
Authorization of funds under Revenue Budget out of approved BE 2023-24..(31.03.2023)
Authorization of Capex Budget out of approved BE 2023-24.(31.03.2023)
Switching over to scheme based budgeting system under District Plan and Union Territory Plan. (30.03.2023)
Authorization of 100% Revenue Budget out of Revised Estimates 2022-23.(29.03.2023)
Release of further funds under DDC, BDC and PRI Grants out of District Capex. (08.03.2023)
Referral of Vacancies. (06.03.2023)
Target/ Achievement of works under Capex Budget 2022-23 and uploading of the Geo-Tagged Photographs of Completed works on E-Compendium portal. (28.02.2023)
Verification of Status of GSTIN of the contractor and authenticity of GST-3B return through the Peridot App (available
in the Playstore) or from the State Taxes Department. (24.02.2023)
Time Barred Arrears. (24.02.2023)
Procurement of Goods and Services by the Government Departments/PSUs/Aided Institutions produced and provided by Micro
and Small Enterprises (MSEs). (24.02.2023)
Counting of previous service on joining new service in UT Government/Centre Government/autonomous body for the benefit of gratuity in respect of
Government employees covered under Defined Contributory Pension Scheme (NPS). (16.02.2023)
Minutes of Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Worthy Chief Secretary, regarding review of Physical/ Financial Progress achieved under UT Capex Budget 2022-23. (13.02.2023)
Accumulation of arrears of Accounts of PSUs/Autonomous Bodies. (09.02.2023)
Updation of Beneficiary data in PFMS. (08.02.2023)
Select list of candidates for the post of "Junior Assistant", (Finance Department) Divisional Cadre, Kashmir,
Advertisement /Item No. 156/04 of 2017 dated 01.12.2017, under Hon'ble Prime Minister's Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants. (06.02.2023)
Authorization to the release of further funds under Revenue Component for the financial year 2022-23. (27.01.2023)
Release of further funds under Capex Budget (UT/District Capex) for the Financial Year 2022-23. (27.01.2023)
Expenditure Management- Economy, austerity measures and rationalization of expenditure. (27.01.2023)
Release for funds under Revenue Component. (24.01.2023)
Authorization to the release of further funds under Revenue Component for the financial year 2022-23S. (03.01.2023)
Providing details of total number of people who are being paid wages with special focus on time series data. (13.12.2022)
Regulation of payment of wages to daily rated workers. (09.12.2022)
Upgradation of details on Empowerment/ Janbhagidari e-portal ( of Finance Department.(02.12.2022)
Ceiling of Rs 5 Lakh on subscription to General Provident Fund (GPF) in a financial year- regarding..(02.12.2022)
Grievance Redressal-cum-Awareness Mela (5th December to 7th of December, 2022).(02.12.2022)
Authorization to the release of further funds under Revenue Component for the financial year 2022-23.(28.11.2022)
Extension of date for submission of Life Certificate by Pensioners/ Family Pensioners.(25.11.2022)
Detils of works/ Projects completed during 2022-23 (ending October, 2022)
alongth with geo-tagged photographs for publication of e-book (pictorial compendium) regarding..(11.11.2022)
Authorization to the release of further funds under Revenue Component for the financial year 2022-23.(07.11.2022)
Drawal of Salary in respect of all the corporations and Autonomous Bodies through JKPaysys.(07.11.2022)
Revised Schedule for Budget Discussion.(21.10.2022)
CIRCULAR: Verification of Service books of employees of UT of J&K.(18.10.2022)
CIRCULAR: Updated Manuals for Procurement of Goods, Services & Works..(18.10.2022)
Schedule for Budget Discussion.(07.10.2022)
Authorization to the release of further funds under Revenue Component for the financial year 2022-23.(22.09.2022)
Notice: Selection list of candidates for the post of "Assistant Compiler" (Finance Department) Division Cadre, Kashmir- PM's Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants and Non-Migrant Kashmiri Pandits.(20.09.2022)
Guidelines for Deductions and Deposits of TDS by the DDOs under Goods and Services Tax Law.(16.09.2022)
Online attestation facility of life certificate(s) for pensioners/family pensioners in UT of J&K.(12.09.2022)
Notice for operationalisation of waiting list in favour of "Assistant Compiler" (Finance Department) Division Cadre Kashmir.(10.09.2022)
Preparation of Budget Estimates of 2023-24 and Revised Estimates of 2022-23.(05.09.2022)
Issuance of Annual Account Statement of the G.P.Fund for the Financial Year 2021-2022-reg.(10.08.2022)
Settlement of Final Refund of NPS Subscribers.(27.07.2022)
Grant of permission to Government employees for pursuing higher studies through distance/online mode without availing of study leave.(18.07.2022)
Procurement of services on GeM.(18.07.2022)
Review of DBT Schemes and broad Guidelines/ Methodology for identifying savings.(01.07.2022)
Release of Matching UT Share.(21.06.2022)
Clarification regarding grant of Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy in favour of Employees of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.(16.06.2022)
Budgeting of CSS- Central and UT Share.(14.06.2022)
Promotion and Enablement of Digital Payments under Digital India Mission in UT-Jammu & Kashmir.(03.06.2022)
Purchase of fuel from JKRTC Retail Outlets.(31.05.2022)
Dispensing with the 'cheque system' and extension of the 'Civil Accounting Sysytem' DATED 12.04.2022.(12.04.2022)
Introduction of e-auction/ forward auction service on GeM.(12.04.2022)
Settlement of pending Manual Transfer Entries TEs prior to 01-04-2021 in shape of Ledger cards.(12.04.2022)
Expenditure Management - Economy, austerity measures and rationalization of expenditure.(30.03.2022)
Authorization of Capex Budget out of approved BE 2022-23 conveying ceiling thereof to the Departnments.(29.03.2022)
Authorization of 100% Revenue and Capex Budget out of Revised Estimates 2021-22.(26.03.2022)
Expemditure Management- Economy, austerity measures and Rationalization of Expenditure. (23.03.2022)
Expenditure Management- Economy measures and Rationalization of Expenditure for Public Sector Undertakings. (17.03.2022)
Procurements through GeM- Instructions thereof. (23.02.2022)
Additional Performance Security In case of Abnormally Low Bids (ALBs) etc. (10.02.2022)
Expenditure Management-Economy, austerity measures and rationalization of expenditure. (07.02.2022)
Release of additional funds to the extent of RE 2021-22 under the detailed Head:001-Salary, 028-Grant-in-Aid,364-Wages(Outsourcing) and 670-Leave Encashment. (07.02.2022)
Referring of the Departmental proposals for Financial Concurrence-Instructions thereof. (03.02.2022)
Verification of Service books of employees of UT of J&K. (20.01.2022)
Release of further funds of 25% taking the cumulative releases to 100% out of approved BE 2021-22 under Capex Budget (UT/ District Capex). (28.12.2021)
Implementation of Group Personal Accidental Insurance Policy. (28.12.2021)
Grant of Transport Allowance to Employees of Union Territory of J&K. (23.12.2021)
Supperannuation of the members of J&K Economics & Statistics (Gazetted) Service from the Government Service during the Calander year 2022. (20.12.2021)
Release of additional funds to the extent of RE 2021-22 under Detailed Head: 641-Pensionery Charges below
Major Head: 2071-Pension & Other Retirement Benefits, Sub-Head:2327-Governemnt Contribution. (03.12.2021)
Extension of date for submission of Life Certificate by Pensioners/ Family Pensioners. (26.11.2021)
Furnishing of material for budget preparation. (23.11.2021)
Disposal of Goods which are declared as surplus or obsolete or unserviceable. (17.11.2021)
Master Circular regarding regulation of expenditure in Government Departments. (17.11.2021)
Coverage of medical expenses incurred on the treatment of life consuming diseases outside hospital/institute under ABPMJAY, SEHAT
Scheme vis-a-vis the J&K Civil Services (Medical Attendance and Allowance) Rules, 1990. (12.11.2021)
Expenditure Reforms-Streamling of expenditure in Government Departments. (10.11.2021)
Notification: for the information of selected/ recommended candidated under PM's package for Kashmir division. (10.11.2021)
General Instructions on Procurement and Project Management. (10.11.2021)
Procurement of Goods/ Services through Government e-Marketplace (GeM). (09.11.2021)
Release of further funds of 25% under Capex Budget (UT/ District Capex) during 2021-22. (03.11.2021)
Release of balance 25% funds under the Detailed Head:641-Pensionary Charges below Major Head:2071-Pension & Other Retirement Benefits, Sub Head: 2327-Government Contribution.(02.11.2021)
Preparation of Budget Estimates of 2022-23 and Revised Estimates of 2021-22- Furnishing of details of Establishment Budget thereof. (27.10.2021)
Furnishing of information regarding Key Features and outcomes. (25.10.2021)
Providing of information regarding Vacant Posts Provision for 2021-22. (21.10.2021)
Formulation of Revised Estimates 2021-22 and Budget Estimates 2022-23-regarding. (18.10.2021)
Pay of the Government Employees appointed under S.O. 192 dated 17-06-2020. (11.10.2021)
Settlement of Pending Manual T.Es(Transfer Entries)- Extension of the cut-off date thereof. (08.10.2021)
Release of further funds under Revenue Component for the financial year 2021-22.. (07.10.2021)
End-to-end Digitization of DBT Schemes and their on-boarding on mobile platform on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of India's Independence Day. (27.09.2021)
Procurement of Goods/Services through Government e-Marketplace (GeM). (24.09.2021)
Schedule for Budget Discussions. (23.09.2021)
Formulation of Revised Estimates 2021-22 and Budget Estimates 2022-23-regarding. (21.09.2021)
Retirement on Superannuation of the members of J&K Economics and Statistics (Gazetted)Service from the Government Service during the Calander Year 2021. (20.09.2021)
Release of further funds under Revenue Component for the financial year 2021-22. (15.09.2021)
Action plan on SWM approved by SLAC. (14.09.2021)
One days workshop for promotion and enablement of digital payments under Digital India Mission. (10.09.2021)
One days workshop for promotion and enablement of digital payments under Digital India Mission in J&K. (08.09.2021)
Release of 50% funds in respect of remaining ongoing works taken prior to 2018-19. (08.09.2021)
One days workshop for promotion and enablement of digital payments under Digital India Mission in J&K. (07.09.2021)
Release of 50% funds for the remaining ongoing works. (07.09.2021)
District Capex Budget 2021-22 - guidelines thereof. (07.09.2021)
Outstanding dues of Government Departments against Electricity Bills. (06.09.2021)
Non Acceptance of e-tendered work bills by treasury and creation of liabilities thereof. (02.09.2021)
Preparation of Budget Estimates of 2022-23 and Revised Estimates of 2021-22. (01.09.2021)
Superannuation of the members of J&K Economics & Statistics (Gazetted) Service from the Government Service during the Calendar year 2022 . (31.08.2021)
Consideration of Medical reimbursement claims under the J&K Civil Services (Medical-Attendance-Cum-Allowance) Rule, 1990 post launch of Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY-SEHAT Scheme. (31.08.2021)
Release of further funds under Revenue Budget for the financial year 2021-22(20.08.2021)
Release of 50% funds for the works taken up pre 2018-19 and expected to be completed in 2021-22.(20.08.2021)
Minutes of the Meeting chaired by Chief Secretary/ Financial Commissioner Finance regarding certain issues pertaining to Finance Department..(16.08.2021)
Projecting Matching UT Share as first charge in Capex Budget.(13.08.2021)
Request for meeting of stakeholders in view of new Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) architecture.(11.08.2021)
Release of 50% funds for the works taken up pre 2018-19 and expected to be completed in 2021-22.(11.08.2021)
Implemetation of the new guidelines for CSS.(29.07.2021)
Guidelines for avoiding un-authorized/ irregular and wasteful expenditure.(20.07.2021)
Advisory for procurement of Goods/ Works.(20.07.2021)
Procurement of Goods & Services from Local manufacturers through GeM (Government e-Market place).(19.07.2021)
Uploaded activities against Capex Budget 2021-22.(15.07.2021)
Instructions for Creation, Revival, Continuation and Transfer of Posts..(15.07.2021)
Expediting 100% Physical Verification of the works completed during FY 2020-21.(15.07.2021)
Review of performance of the Government Employees.(15.07.2021)
Settlement of Manual T.E's and payment to NPS Subscribers .(14.07.2021)
Construction of Government buildings/bridges without approach Roads.(07.07.2021)
Retirement on Superannuation of the members of J&K Economics and Statistics (Gazetted) Service from the
Government Service during the calendar year 2020.(02.07.2021)
District Capex Budget 2021-22- guidelines thereof.(12.06.2021)
Creation of Covid Isolation Centers at the Panchayat level under District Capex Budget.(19.05.2021)
Corrections / modifications in respect of employees' data in Centralized Personal Informatics System (CPIS).(17.05.2021)
Modalities to be followed for processing of past liabilities in respect of works.(26.04.2021)
Authorization of Capex Budget for 2021-22- uploading of Work Plans thereof on BEAMS.(22.04.2021)
Details of works completed during 2020-21 alongwith geo-tagged photographs and works targeted for completion during 2021-22 regarding.(08.04.2021)
Circular: Arrangement for Shri Amarnathji Yatra (SANJY) 2021. (07.04.2021)
Circular: Technical support for the adoption of Digilicker services-Regarding (06.04.2021)
CIRCULAR: Clearing of Liability on Account of Works.(25.03.2021)
Liabilities 2019-20/ 2020-21.(17.03.2021)
CIRCULAR : Procurement of Goods & Services from Local manufacturers through GeM. (17.03.2021)
CIRCULAR : Standard Operating Procedure for incurring of expenditure out of contingencies provided in DPRs of Projects. (15.03.2021)
Authorization to the release of further funds under Revenue Component for the financial year 2020-21. (19.02.2021)
Circular : Clarification regading e-tendering, advance drawal and Measurement book. (19.02.2021)
Circular : Clarification regading e-tendering, advance drawal and Measurement book. (19.02.2021)
Circular : Time barred claims-Guidelines.(18.02.2021)
Minutes of Meeting chaired by Financial Commissioner, Finance Department in his office chamber on 16.02.2021 at
2:30 PM to discuss the various issues relating to proper up-keeping of the files in the Finance Department. (18.02.2021)
Retirement on Superannuation of the members of J&K Economic and Statistics (Gazetted) Service from the Government Service during the Calendar year 2020.(17.02.2021)
Minutes of the Meeting held under the chairmanship of Dr. Arun Kumar, Mehta, IAS, Financial Commissioner, Finance Department on
17th February -2021 to review the pro gress of 100% physical verification of projects/works in the Districts.(17.02.2021)
Notification Tentative seniority list of the Members of Jammu and Kashmir Accounts Services, Finance Department as it stood on 01.01.2021 (12.02.2021)
Circular: Irregularities in fixation of pay due to extension of benefit of SRO-59 of 1990 beyond date of withdrawal of SRO in works Department].(11.02.2021)
Circular: Payment of HRA and recovery of rent.(11.02.2021)
Circular: Pre-Check of Serice Books by the Accountant General before the Preparation of pension cases of retiring Govt. Employees- Fixation of Pay in service books.(11.02.2021)
Circular: Release of Budget to PSUs on the recommendation of Bureau of Enterprises(BPE).(11.02.2021)
Circular: Inclusion of New services on GeM platform-Instructions thereof.(10.02.2021)
Extension of date for submission of Life Certificate by Pensioners / Family Pensioners.(27.01.2021)
Fake Orders - regarding(14.01.2021)
CIRCULAR: Standard Operating Procedure for incurring of expenditure out of contingencies provided in DPRs of projects.(08.01.2021)
CIRCULAR: Formation of Audit Committees in terms of Regulation 145 of Regulations on Audit and Accounts 2020.(08.01.2021)
CIRCULAR: Implementation of the unified system in which next version of GeM viz GeM V4.0 is being anchored Instructions thereof.(08.01.2021)
Superannuation of the members of J&K Economics & Statistics (Gazetted) Service from the Government Service during the calender year 2021.(07.01.2021)
Corrigendum to retirement notification issued under endorsement NO PD/HRM/239/2019 dated 10.06.2020.(07.01.2021)
CIRCULAR: SHG Products on Government e-M0arket place(GeM) and their procurement by all departments. (30.12.2020)
CIRCULAR: Enhancement in Existing features and functionalities and deployment of new features and functionalities by Goverment e-Marketplace (GeM). (28.12.2020)
CIRCULAR: Promoting digital payments for ensuring transparency, timeliness and accountability. (24.12.2020)
CIRCULAR: Incorporatoin of reference numbers of Administrative Approvals/ Technical Sanctions in tender documents. (24.12.2020)
CIRCULAR: Additional Peformance Security in case of Abnormally Low Bids (ALBs) etc. (22.12.2020)
CIRCULAR: Geo-tagging of projects and submission of pre, during and after photographs of works with the bills at the Treasury. (22.12.2020)
Release of funds under various sectors of NABARD during 2020-21. (10.12.2020)
Physical Verification of projects / works completed during 2019-20-regarding. (03.12.2020)
Disposal of applications filed u/s 14 of Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and
Enforcement of Security Interest.(SARFAESI), Act 2002. (03.12.2020)
Extension of date for submission of Life Certificate by pensioners / family pensioners. (26.11.2020)
Potential of Procurement under the Jurisdiction of Union Territory of J&K. (10.11.2020)
Public Procurement from any bidder from any country sharing a land border with India- regarding. (01.10.2020)
Economy Instructions- Printing activities (01.10.2020)
Revised Schedule for Budget Discussion. (01.10.2020)
Release of funds to District Development Commissioners under Capex Budget for completion of ongoing works of 2019-20 under "Back to Village" Programme, (B2V1 & B2V2). (30.09.2020)
Revival of Business Sector in Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. (25.09.2020)
Schedule for Budget Discussion. (25.09.2020)
Circular NO 05-FD OF 2020. (24.09.2020)
Circular : Transactions of Business of tne Government of Union Territory of J&K. (18.09.2020)
Circular : Redressal of Online Grievances received from Hon'ble Lieutenant Governor's Grievance Cell. (18.09.2020)
Submitting of Languishing Project to High Powered Committee for approval of funding through Jammu and Kashmir Infrastructure Development Finance Corporation(JKIDFC). (14.09.2020)
CIRCULAR: Expenditure restriction guidelines in view of COVID-19 pandemic. (04.09.2020)
Preparation of Budget Estimates 2021-22 and Revised Estimates of 2020-21. (31.08.2020)
Details of Adhoc / Contractual/ Consolidated employees cleared by the Empowered Committee under J&K Civil Serices (Special Provision) Act, 2010. (26.08.2020)
Mandatory uploading of Documents while preferring Bills by DDOs in the treasury through "JKPaySys". (25.08.2020)
Implementation of DBT under Group Personal Accidental Insurance Policy. (19.08.2020)
Revalidation of funds under Centrally Sponsored Schemes. (23.07.2020)
CIRCULAR: Expenditure restriction guidelines in view of Covid-19 pandemic. (09.07.2020)
CIRCULAR: Standardization of Tender Documents. (08.07.2020)
Minutes of Meeting date 07.07.2020
Circular : Amendment in General Financial Rules (GFRs), 2017 -Global Tender Enquiry. (19.06.2020)
Measures for financial assistance during the lock down period due to COVID-19.(13.06.2020)
Notification: Superannuation of the members of Jammu Kashmir Ecoomics & Statistics(Gazetted) Service from the Government Service during the calender 2021.(10.06.2020)
Real-time disbursement of Benefits to various beneficiaries under different loan and social security schemes through PFMS Portal- On boarding of CSS/UT Sector Schemes.(03.06.2020)
Furnishing of list of urgent / priority works within the overall Capex budget furnished by the Departments for release of funds under Capex Budget 2020-21(19.05.2020)
Appointment of Managing Director of the J&K Bank Ltd. (15.05.2020)
Appointment of Non-Executive Chairman of Board of J&K Bank Ltd. (15.05.2020)
CIRCULAR: Restrict the overall expenditure within 20% of budget estimates, 2020-21 in Quater-1(April-June 2020). (29.04.2020)
Meeting Notice: Long outstanding amount against various Government Departments.(23.04.2020)
Authorization of funds under Capex Budget 2020-21. (27.03.2020)
Corrigendum to Advance Drawal of funds with District Development Commissioners dated 24.03.2020 (27.03.2020)
Advance Drawal of funds with District Development Commissioners in respect of ICDS (Nutrition) Scheme. (26.03.2020)
Corrigendum to Advance Drawal of funds with District Development Commissioners dated 24.03.2020 (26.03.2020)
Measures for financial assistance duing the lock down period due to COVID-19.(25.03.2020)
Advance Drawal of funds with District Development Commissioners. (24.03.2020)
Advance Drawal of funds with District Development Commissioners. (24.03.2020)
Issuing of Notice inviting Tenders/e-tenders by various Departments/Officers without budgetary provisions. (21.03.2020)
Retirement of employees of J&K Economics and Statistics Gazetted Service during the calander year 2021 and 2022. (19.03.2020)
Advance drawal of funds with District Development Commissioners under District Capex. (13.03.2020)
Procurement through Government e-Marketplace (GeM) (13.03.2020)
Meeting Notice: Review of Capex Budget 2019-20.(10.03.2020)
Review of Annual Accounts of Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous Bodies / Societies.(05.03.2020)
Special Financial Inclusion Outreach Campaign in UT of J&K.(02.03.2020)
One day workshop on Dispute Redressal through "Vivad Se Vishwas""scheme organized by income tax department.(29.02.2020)
Circular: Subscription to Social Security Schemes, namely, PMJJBY and PMSBY.(28.02.2020)
Clarification regarding grant of Transport Allowance in favour of employees appointed under SRO 202 dated 30-06-2015. (28.02.2020)
Superannuation of the members of J&K Economics and Statistics (Gazetted) Service from the Government Service during the Calender year 2020.(17.02.2020)
"Special Financial Inclusion Outreach Campaign" in UT of J&K. (14.02.2020)
Date of next increment under Rule 10 of JK Civil Service Revised Pay Rules 2018-Clarification regarding.
Procurement through Government e-Marketplace-GeM. (07.02.2020)
Audit report on verification of SRE claims for the period 01.07.2018 to 31.03.2019.
Adherence to rules by the Executing Agencies while according administrative approval. (04.02.2020)
Review of Annual Accounts of Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous Bodies / Societies. (29.01.2020)
Procurement through Government e-Marketplace(GeM) (24.01.2020)
Procurement of goods and services by the Government departments/PSUs/Aided institutions produced and provided by Micro and Small enterprises (11.01.2020)
Release of un-tied funds in favour of DDCs under District Capex for 2019-20.(03.01.2020)
Notice: Selection List of the candidates for the post of Inspector, Finance Department (State Cadre).(31.12.2019)
Tentative Seniority List of Ministerial Cadre of the J&K Excise and State Taxes Department (Subordinate) Service.(18.12.2019)
Tentative Seniority of Sub-Inspectors of the J&K Excise and State Taxes Department as on 09.12.2019.(13.12.2019)
Circular Instructions regarding Implementaion of Group Personal Acidental Insurance Policy.(09.12.2019)
Notice for extending the date of submission of e-tenders regarding Group Personal Accidental Insurance Policy for more than 3.50 lac Government Employees
(Gazetted and Non Gazetted) including the employees of PSUs/Autonomous Bodies/ Local Bodies / Universities, Daily Rated Workers,
Consolidated / Contractual / Adhoc employees/ Contingent paid workers and SPOs for a sum insured of Rs. 10 lac (Rupees ten lac only)
per employee. (11.11.2019)
Write up regarding outcomes to be achieved out of budget provisions. (08.11.2019)
e-tenders are invited for implementation of Group Personal Accidental Insurance Policy for more than 3.50 lac Government Employees
(Gazetted and Non Gazetted) including the employees of PSUs/Autonomous Bodies/ Local Bodies / Universities, Daily Rated Workers,
Consolidated / Contractual / Adhoc employees/ Contingent paid workers and SPOs for a sum insured of Rs. 10 lac (Rupees ten lac only)
per employee. (24-10-2019)
Write up regarding outcomes to be achieved out of budget provisions.(17-10-2019)
Advisory for error-free budget projection for 2019-20 and 2020-21.(12-10-2019)
Issuance of Government Advertisements.(11-10-2019)
Updation of information with respect to constitution of Board of Directors of Companies/Statutory Bodies/Societies (10-10-2019)
Budget Preparation for the current Finnacial Year 2019-20 and ensuring financial year 2020-21. (10-10-2019)
Timely submission of Salary Bills at the Treasuries. (24-09-2019)
Un-authorized retention of receipts in Bank Accounts. (23-09-2019)
Procurement of Goods and Services through GeM Portal.(17-09-2019)
Un-Authorized retention of receipts in Bank Accounts.(17-09-2019)
Implementation of e-procurement Policy.(17-09-2019)
Review of working of the PSUs / Autonomous Bodies / Societies. (05-09-2019)
Implementation of e-procurement policy. (04-09-2019)